Conform Planului Strategic al Universitatii Hyperion (2016-2020-continuare), sunt vizate ca prioritati pentru strategia de dezvoltare institutionala, intre altele: intensificarea procesului de internationalizare a invatamantului si cercetarii stiintifice, continuarea informatizarii tuturor activitatilor in UHB, imbunatatirea calitatii procesului de invatamant si orientarea mai accentuata catre cerintele pietei muncii, dezvoltarea activitatilor sociale si implicarea studentilor in managamentul UHB.
In sprijinul acestor obiective, cu ajutorul programului Erasmus +, UHB isi doreste continuarea actualelor parteneriate si cautarea altora noi, cu institutii din Europa si nu numai, cu aceeasi arie de discipline pentru a putea opera transferul de credite si deci recunoasterea automata completa a respectivelor stagii de studii, conform cerintelor European Education Area. Sunt urmarite nu doar programele de mobilitate fizica – studiu afara, practica, predare, formare –, ci si programele de tip “virtual exchange”. Acestea dezvolta aptitudinile digitale, cu atat mai importante in epoca Covid, aduc un plus de valoare „internationalizarii acasa”, faciliteaza incluziunea sociala, dezvolta capacitatea de comunicare intr-o limba straina. Prin programele „virtual exchange” se dezvolta si capacitatea de gandire critica extrem de necesara azi, si de asemenea ajuta la imbunatatirea si modernizarea metodelor de predare. Cunoasterea valorilor Uniunii Europene si a mostenirii sale culturale, promovate de aceeasi European Education Area si de Comisia Europeana in cadrul intrunirii liderilor la Gotheburg (2017) – identitate si unitate in diversitate, dar si dialogul inter-cultural si promovarea diversitatii pe plan mondial, politici a caror adepta este si Universitatea Hyperion, vor fi mult ajutate de mobilitatile si schimburile virtuale Erasmus +. In plus, cunostiintele, aptitudinele deprinse in acest mod, vor ajuta si la o mai buna reusita a absolventilor nostri pe piata muncii.
Universitatea Hyperion din Bucuresti urmareste si facilitarea accesului tuturor studentilor la educatie si al studentilor si profesorilor la informatie, atat prin incluziune sociala si non-discriminare, conform Cartei Europene a Drepturilor Omului din anul 2000, cat si prin promovarea informatiei, atat prin intalniri live sau virtuale cu studentii si cadrele didactice, cat si prin site-uri sau pagini de Facebook. La toate acestea se va adauga initiativa European Student Card, menita sa faciliteze mobilitatea studentilor peste granite, dar si sa le ofere un mod nou si prietenos de stocare a informatiei in ce priveste situatia lor scolara, incepand, desigur, cu studentii Erasmus.
Pentru a-si incuraja studentii sa-si dezvolte apetenta pentru activitatile sociale si pentru implicarea in viata comunitatii locale dar si europene, UHB ii va incuraja pe studentii Erasmus sa se inscrie in Erasmus Student Network, retea ce reprezinta nevoile si drepturile studentilor internationali la nivel local, national si international si promoveaza voluntariatul si cetatenia activa, intre alte obiective.
Universitatea Hyperion din Bucuresti doreste sa fie si prietenoasa cu mediul inconjurator, motiv pentru care, pe langa alte activitati, va aplica si promova programul Erasmus Without Paper: acorduri inter-institutionale si de studiu, nominalizari si acceptari, schimb de foi matricole pentru perioada mobilitatii – online.
Universitatea Hyperion se doreste implicata in programe ce presupun mobilitati fizice de studiu si practica ale studentilor, precum si de predare si formare ale cadrelor didactice, prin incheierea de parteneriate cu universitati si alte institutii de cercetare sau profil practic/intreprindere/
Prin activitatile tip mobilitate fizica ne dorim sa le oferim studentilor ocazia unei experiente directe de studiu in strainatate, prin care sa cunoasca mai bine lumea si cultura tarii respective, si metodele de predare-invatare de acolo, iar aceste cunostiinte sa ii ajute in viitoarea lor cariera, dar si in relatiile inter-umane.
Ne dorim apoi sa oferim cadrelor didactice ocazia de a preda direct unor studenti straini, sau de a asista direct la cursurile unor profesori straini si de a-si moderniza-imbunatati astfel propriile lor metode.
Ne dorim la randul nostru ca, prin vizitele studentilor straini si ale profesorilor straini, printr-o interactionare fata-in-fata si prin integrarea acestora in comunitatea academica Hyperion, sa ne bucuram si noi de pe urma experientelor acestora si sa ne ajute la modernizarea si imbunatatirea stilului de predare si a curiculei.
Prin aceste schimburi, dar si prin cele tip „virtual exchange”, dorim sa dezvoltam nu doar informatizarea, dar si comunicarea in limbi straine, in special in limba engleza, disciplina obligatorie de studiu la Universitatea Hyperion, dar si in alte limbi, cu ajutorul portalului OLS, pentru studentii selectati Erasmus, in cazul mobilitatilor de tip fizic.
Studentilor intorsi de la studiul in strainatate le vom oferi consiliere profesionala, iar celor incoming le vom oferi consiliere-orientare-mentorat,
Studentii si cadrele didactice vor fi informate si tinute la curent cu activitatile/ofertele Erasmus + prin site-ul Erasmus + al Universitatii noastre, prin pagina de Facebook, prin intalniri si discutii live sau virtuale.
Ne asteptam la un rezultat pozitiv in ceea ce priveste deprinderea de noi abilitati sau imbunatatirea celor actuale, in termeni de comunicare, aptitudini digitale, implicare in viata universitatii dar si a comunitatii inclusiv din punct de vedere ecologic, orientare pe piata muncii, modernizarea predarii in general si perfectionarea predarii online in special, mai ales tinand cont de cat de necesara a devenit aceasta in perioada pandemiei.
Avand in vedere ca suntem inca la inceput de program Erasmus +, dar si de situatia destul de ambigua a calatoriilor si stilului de predare din Europa si din lume la ora actuala, datorita Covid19, putem doar sa speram la succesul programelor tip „virtual exchange” la un numar cat mai mare de studenti si cadre didactice, si ocazia ca cel putin un sfert dintre studentii si profesorii nostri sa poata merge la schimburi directe in urmatorii 7 ani.
According to the Strategic Plan of the Hyperion University of Bucharest (2016-2020-on), some of the priorities for the institutional development are: the increase of the education and research internationalization process, the continuation of the digitization of all activities in the Hyperion University of Bucharest, the improvement of the quality of the education process and its orientation towards the labor market, the development of social activities and of students involvement in UHB’s management.
In order to achieve these objectives, through the Erasmus + program, the HUB wishes to continue its current partnerships and look for new ones, with European and non-European institutions with the same range of disciplines to be able to properly put into effect the ECTS transfer and therefore the full automatic recognition of those periods of study abroad, according to the requests of the European Education Area. We are interested both in activities involving physical mobilities – study abroad, practice, teaching, training –and in the „virtual exchange” type of activities. These help develop the digital skills, important assets in the Covid era, enhance the „internationalization at home” process, facilitate social inclusion, improve the capacity to communicate in a foreign language. The „virtual exchange” type of programs also develop critical thinking, a very necessary skill today and contribute to the improvement of teaching methods. Erasmus + mobilities and virtual exchanges will also enhance the knowledge and sharing of the European Union values and cultural heritage promoted by the same European Education Area, and by the European Commission during the Leaders’ meeting in Gotheburg (2017), – identity and unity in diversity, and will promote inter-cultural dialogue and diversity in general, all being also supported by the Hyperion University of Bucharest. The knowledge and the skills thus acquired will also contribute to our students-graduates’s success on the labor market.
The Hyperion University of Bucharest also aims to facilitate the access of every student to education, and of every student and every teacher to information, both through social inclusion and non-discrimination, in accordance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (2000), and by disseminating information through face-to-face or virtual meetings with students and staff and through websites or Facebook pages. We will add the Student Card Initiative to all these, in order to facilitate students mobility across borders and offer a new user-friendly way to store information on their academic records, starting of course, with the Erasmus students.
In order to stimulate students’ appetite for social activities and teach them to become involved in the life of the local and European communities, Hyperion University of Bucharest will encourage Erasmus students to join the Erasmus Student Network, a network meant to represent their needs and their rights locally, nationally and internationally and to promote volunteering and active citizenship, among other objectives.
Hyperion University of Bucharest wants to be environment-friendly, therefore it will apply and promote the Erasmus without Paper program: online inter-institutional and study agreements, online nominations and acceptances, online transcripts of records related to student mobility.
Hyperion University of Bucharest wishes to be part of programs that involve physical mobilities for study and practice/traineeship for students and teaching and formation for staff, by contracting partnerships with universities and other research institutions or with companies/NGOs from other countries. HUB also wishes to be part of the „virtual exchange” type of programs, which may involve students independently and individually, or as a group coordinated by a professor, as an activity during his/her course, thus also heading towards „blended” activities and common programs with the respective universities.
Through physical mobilties we would like to be able to offer our students the opportunity of a direct, „on-campus” experience abroad, so that they can better familiarize themselves with that country’s people and culture, and their ways of teaching-learning, something that will later help them with their careers, and with their inter-human relationships.
We also want to offer our teachers the opportunity to teach directly to foreign students, or to attend the courses of foreign professors directly, and thus to enable-help them to modernize-improve their own methods.
Through these exchanges, and through the virtual ones, we also want to develop not only the digitization but also the communication in foreign languages, especially in English, a compulsory subject in our curricula, but other languages as well, with the help of the OLS, for the Erasmus students, for the physical mobilities.
We will offer professional counseling for the returned students and orientation-counseling-
We expect a positive result regarding the acquiring of new abilities or the improvement of current ones, in terms of communication, digital skills, active involvement in university and community life, eco-friendly included, better orientation on the labor market, teaching modernization in general, and online teaching improvement in particular, considering how necessary this has become during the pandemics.
Considering the fact that we are still at the beginning of the Erasmus + Program, and due to the current ambiguous situation of both travelling abroad and teaching in universities across Europe and the world, due to Covid19, we can only hope in the success of the „virtual exchange” type of programs to as greater a number as possible of our students and teachers, and in the opportunity for at least a quarter of our students and teachers to be able to travel and study-teach abroad in the next 7 years.